
We are explorers, wanderers, travelers, nomads. We strive to project the authenticity of places we visit through honest words and visuals. Enjoy!

"You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way...it doesn't exist." -- Friedrich Nietzsche

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Western values of individuality and liberty are rooted in a 2500 year philosophical dialog begun in ancient Greece. These values happen to form our world view here in the United States, but are in no way superior to other value systems emphasizing contrasting, equally-viable principles, such as loyalty, family duty and social harmony. 

While I like to consider myself open-minded, I am more institutionalized than I realize. 

The benefit of an inter-cultural marriage is that my conditioned thinking is often challenged.

"Love thy neighbor as thyself." -- God

"We are what we think." -- Bodhidharma